Monday, August 30, 2010

Compost Cookie Slices

Last Friday when I picked my daughter up from school, she got into the car and started crying..not with pain but with a complaint that she wanted her old teachers from her reception class last year to be with her in the new class and wished they could be the only and last teachers of her life! I couldn't help but feel sad and sorry for her that what she wanted and wished couldn't be true..I,though, told her so and that made things even worse cuz she cried harder and went on and on! I had to say lots of things to calm her down and at the end, she stopped crying and abruptly asked if I could bake something for her teachers and let her bring it to school and give them by herself like we did through the last whole year.. When I said 'of course,I can!', she said ' yeahh ' with her fist pumped and lifted up and easily turned her sadness into joy straight away...What a kid!

Next I had to think of what to make.. Must be something new that I haven't given to them before because I don't like giving away the same thing to the same people and I know this is make myself more trouble than the people who are given to but this is me and that's why I love making new things that I have never done before ( in baking era, not in life )
I usually baked something that was easy to be carried by 4 and a half years old and made sure that the baked goods were still in a good shape when it's in the teachers' they were basicly cookies and same sort of things..Anyway,I failed to come up with any idea, so I ended up with looking through my recipe file to find something that I could make. Luckily, I spotted the compost cookie recipe and remembered that I had not given it a try yet although I've got it in my file for some my problem's undoubtedly sorted!

What caught my attention about this cookie is snack bits called for in the recipe and it made me curious to find out how this would work or get along with other basic ingredients for a cookie. When the dough was done, I decided to bake them into two forms, cookie as done originally and bars ( because I didn't have enough space in my fridge to put a big tray in!)..

My cookies didn't spread out that much and didn't have much crack on top either but that didn't matter to me..what I was concerned more is the one baked into bars but at the end it came out fine ( needed more time to bake though ) and I gave all of cookie slices to my daughter's teachers because it looked better than the cookies.  

As for a result, I wrote a note to the teachers telling them that this is the first time I baked this cookie and I didn't really know how it if they thought it's not edible or they didn't like it ,then please accept my apology for not proving it first ! Anyway, I had a few bites on cookies and thought it didn't taste bad or weird at all..Now I am waiting to get a reaction from the teachers and have my fingers crossed in the meantime!!

The recipe could be found here.. 

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